
I hate studying for finals. I hate working on projects. I hate having bad grades. I hate school in general right now.

I hate keeping secrets but you gotta do what you gotta do…

everyone will find out eventually

I just hope it’s not too soon

or else I’m screwed.


And we all know I don’t use words like that lightly…


My friend and I get to be the LEADERS of our school’s culinary (cooking/baking) club next year!!!!!!!! I’m so excited!!!!!


In other news, finals are coming up soon, so I’ll be uber busy… Ta-ta, darling dearies ❤ :{D

I guess this is my blog… :/ I dunno how I feel about it yet :)

Um, I feel like this first post will be somewhat awkward, but I’ll try anyway 🙂


Hello People of the Earth and any other life forms that happen to be reading this!

I’m kind of excited to be doing this; I haven’t blogged on any site in almost a year and I kind of miss blogging!! So I’m excited to get back into it!!

I guess I’ll start by saying that this blog will probably be… my life? Yeah, that sounds about right. My life. But what does my life consist of? I guess here’s a brief overview:

-I love ART and I’m an artist… an aspiring artist, anyway.

-I’m a WRITER and I love to write stories and poetry

-I collect VINTAGE DOLLS such as vintage Barbie dolls and other dolls from the 50s and 60s. I really love anything vintage to be honest 🙂

-I was a GYMNAST for eight years, and quit six months ago. I hope to get back into it this summer 🙂

-I love ANIMALS with all my heart

-I’m a SOPHOMORE in high school and can’t wait for the summer!

-I have COLD URTICARIA, which is an allergy to cold temperatures where, when exposed to them, my skin gets red, itchy, and covered in HIVES!! FUN!!!! (jk about the fun part)

-I hope to have lots of fun blogging for the end of this school year and this upcoming summer!! I also hope you guys can learn to love my slightly-random blog because I hope it’ll be full of fun things….

wow I really regret that last sentence but I’m gonna leave it anyway.

So yeah… I hope you enjoy!! :{D